Interim CEO Management
Nonprofits are always struggling to meet goals, objective and reach a positive outcome in the world of taking care of people and their mission at hand.
Divine Development and Leadership Group was founded by our President Rev. Carol D. Jubenville who has spent over three decades working with nonprofits both as an Executive Director, as a board member and as a consultant to many organizations.
Carol knows every aspect of organizations from planned giving, to implementing strategic plans and how they should work together, resulting in a thoughtful and successful outcome.
Using her insight and unique approach to bring people together while exploring new ways of managing and leading, to embracing the core values of your organization, all which will ultimately lead to years of new growth in a changing world.
Core Values are critical for understanding your beliefs and WHY we do what we do both personally and professionalLY.

Having high standards that exceed not just being ‘right’, by doing the the ‘right thing’.

Exuding pride and a positive attitude while being an example of getting the job done by bringing the right people together with purpose and deferring to the team created.

The ability to reach out of our comfort zones to be creative, offer opportunities and learn through challenges to be the best we can be in business and industries.

Build relationships that create environments of loyalty, honesty, fairness and dedication.

Openness using different methods of understanding that communicate expected accountability.

The five core values work together accomplishing continued growth and making a difference during one’s lifetime and into the future.
Many nonprofits cannot afford a consultant. How much does it cost to contract with you?
In order to reach our goals, there has to be a ‘buy in’ so to speak, so organizations will share the vision and be accountable the needs and achieving future goals.
We will work with your organization and create a plan that is manageable, measurable and sustainable that answers the question of “Why” your organization exists. This might include the Executive Director and staff, Executive Director and Board or with the Board solely to have an avenue of strength and leadership understanding roles and relationships. More and more Executives move on or move out and that leaves both management and boards in vulnerable positions if good succession plans are not developed. Succession Planning and Competencies are just as crucial as a job description.
We also are well versed to offer your organization leadership as an interim executive director while we help you identify future leadership. During our tenure with the organization we can re-address and re-organize internal strategies in a healthy and positive way leading to an environment of trust, and loyalty while alleviating fears. Encouraging departments to be empowered so they can empowers others, leading to employee retention, pride and the ability to accomplish their goals with synergy that will continue after our job is completed.